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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information

New Scotland Hill Primary School and Nursery is committed to providing an aspirational, high-quality education for all children. We believe that every child, including those identified as having additional needs, have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and that they will be fully included in all aspects of school life.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator is:

Mrs Catherine Wells:

Key SEND Information at New Scotland Hill

Bracknell Forest SEND Information and Local Offer:

The Local Offer is a guide to all the services that are available for children and young people in Bracknell Forest with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged from birth to 25.  This can be found through the link below:

Key SEND Documents:

SEND Information, Support and Advice for Parents, Carers and Families:

The links below are for parents/carers, and may provide additional support for children with specific needs:

Information, Advice & Support Service (formerly Parent Partnership) | Bracknell Directory:

The Information, Advice & Support Service provides free confidential and impartial advice, information and support to parents/carers, children and young people, who have, or may have, Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) in Bracknell Forest (you will need to live in and pay your council tax to Bracknell Forest Council).


GEMS is for children, young people and adults who are diagnosed with or who are on the pathway to diagnosis for Autism and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The service also supports parents and carers.

Bracknell Parent Carer Forum

BPCF is a parent and carer run group that meets regularly to discuss the real issues that affect SEND children and young people in Bracknell Forest. Parent Carer Forums are the DfE’s statutory partner for local authorities and health partners, to make sure the views and concerns of parents and carers are heard by those who plan and manage services that families rely on.

Children and Young People’s Integrated Therapy (CYPIT)

Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy: