Reception Class 2024-25
Welcome to Reception
Here you will find all the information you need to know about the learning taking place in Reception.
This terms topics are: Winter Wonderland , Superheroes , Chinese New Year and Out of this World
Things you could do at home to support this topic are:
- Talk to your child about the weather, what words that can to describe the day?
- Go on a winter walk in the local area
- Learn about animals that live in cold climates- bears/ penguins
- Space- endless activities linked to the planets, see the link:
- Research your child’s favourite animal using books and the internet
- Visit the National History Museum in London
- Visit a farm
- Visit a pet shop
- Sing songs about animals:
- Go for a walk in the local park and see if you can spot any animals.
- Write about everything! (Mark making, labels, captions and simple sentences)
- Draw, paint or collage animal pictures
- Count/ order/ recognise numbers to 5/10/20
- Sort objects into sets/groups
- It is the Chinese New Year on 29.01.25, it is the year of the snake.
For details about the curriculum coverage of our overview please click here
We will be sharing the text Super Milly and the Super School Day by Stephanie Clarkson and a variety of books linked to our other topics.
In Reception we continue to follow White Rose curriculum in Maths and the Reception topic overview can be found on the Maths Curriculum page.
For a more detailed curriculum coverage for the year please click here
PE days will be on Thursday. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on these days, but bring your school uniform in a separate bag for you to change into if you get wet during your PE lesson.
The class will be covered by Mrs Saunders and Mr Boardman on Thursday mornings.
Please ensure you bring your reading diary and reading book to school every day.
Other helpful reminders:
Snacks: Fresh fruit or vegetables
Water bottles- Labelled and not to be kept in book bags please.
Book bags- Please send them to school daily.
Our library day is on Monday
As the weather changes, please ensure your child has a coat with them every day. We will be going outside for a lot of our learning. If the children have wellington boots we will change them from school shoes so that they can enjoy being outdoors without the fear of wet feet!
We have talked about learning how to put on and take off our coats independently.
We would appreciate your support with this.
***Please upload photographs to Tapestry if you wish to do so.
We look forward to sharing all the activities that your child does at home. ***
Mrs Dhariwal , Mrs Bhatti and Mrs Evans
For general things e.g. lost jumper, wearing trainers because shoes too small etc, please contact the class teacher using the messaging function on Tapestry.
For more significant concerns or worries, please email
with FAO Mrs Dhariwal in the subject.
Any changes to school pick up should go through the school office.
EYFS Topic Map and Progression of skills 2024
Maths Pathways to learning
- Maths Pathways EYFS 2022.pdf
- Reception curriculum mapping.pdf
- Reception small steps Autumn.pdf
- NumberblocksEpisodes to share widely.pdf
- MATHS EYFS Presentation January 2022.pptx
- Parent Presentation - Phonics and Reading Jan 2022.ppt
- Red Words List.docx
- Websites
Phonics Play Phase 3 phonic interactive games
Letters and Sounds Phase 3 phonic games to help children learn to read, write and spell.
ICT Games Lots of fun maths games.
Oxford Owl Packed with free eBooks and activities to help you support your child's reading and maths at home.