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Early Reading and Phonics

At New Scotland Hill Primary School we use Read Write Inc (RWI) to get children off to a flying start. 


    RWI Phonics

    What is Read Write Inc?

    Read Write Inc (RWInc) is a phonics literacy programme, which helps children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling.  

    Reading opens the door to learning. Our approach, beginning right from the Early Years, will give children the skills and confidence to engage fully in our wider curriculum. Children are then supported throughout the Read Write Inc programme to become confident and fluent readers. After completing the programme children are supported fully in accessing our wide and varied reading curriculum, building both lifelong skills and giving them a solid basis to develop their comprehension skills.


    How is RW Inc taught?

    Children are first introduced to the letter sounds during RWI sessions in Nursery, where children begin to learn their pure sounds. The formal teaching of Read Write Inc begins right at the start of Reception. Initially all children are taught Set 1 sounds until after October half term. At this point children are assessed using a one to one engaging assessment to find a smaller group, reflecting their own personal abilities. Children in Reception can consolidate their knowledge using carefully planned and engaging activities that they can access independently throughout the day.


    The children:

    • learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letters/letter groups using simple picture prompts – see below.
    • learn to read words using Fred talk and sound blending.
    • read from a range of books matched to their phonic group.

    After RWI children move on to banded books which will help to develop their comprehension skills.


    Once children have reached Lime books they will move onto our bridging unit, Collins Big Cats.

