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New Scotland Hill Primary School and Nursery

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Here you will find all the information you need to know about the goings on in Year 1. 


Our topic this term is 'Homes and Toys' this is a history unit of work where we will begin to develop an awareness of the past. We will compare and discuss how homes and toys/games have changed overtime and identify similarities between ways of life in different periods of time. 

This will be done through:


* Talking about similarities and differences

* Using parts of stories and other sources 

* Reflecting on own experiences


Throughout our learning, we will be considering key questions (listed below) and using our research and newly acquired knowledge to answer them. 



1. What has changed and what has stayed the same in homes since the Victorian Era?


2. Do we play with the same toys as children in the past?


3. Why have toys and books changed?


4. What are the similarities and differences between playground games now and then?



For details about curriculum coverage of our English units please click here.


We follow White Rose curriculum in maths and the Year 1 topic overview can be found by clicking 

For details about curriculum coverage of our maths units for the Summer term please click here.


Adults in our class are Miss Farrelly and Mrs Broadbent.


 Please ensure you bring your reading diary and reading book to school every day.  


We will do PE on a Monday and a Thursday.

Please remember jogging bottoms and hoodies for when the weather turns colder.


For general things e.g. lost jumper, wearing trainers because shoes too small etc, please contact the class teacher using the updated messaging function on Seesaw

For more significant concerns or worries, please email

with FAO Miss Farrelly Teacher in the subject.

Any changes to school pick up should go through the school office.



